New Mom Questions - Nursing Areas Around Columbus, Ohio

Many moms who come into my studio are first-time moms trying to figure out this whole nursing thing.

Breastfeeding is near a dear to my heart. I was able to exclusively breastfeed my oldest for a year and then tandem breastfeed my twins (the tandem thing didn’t last long so I ended up pumping a lot. Like A LOT). I did supplement with the twins, but I stuck with it for a year for them as well.

With this experience I will say that breastfeeding can be SO hard and SO easy at different times. 

I support all mamas and all decisions about how you want to feed your babies­­! And a passionate about feeling like you should be able to feed your kids where ever and however it works for you. 

But I will be the first to admit, with my first, I didn’t feel comfortable nursing in public. I did more with my twins, but honestly, I had a 2 year old and two hungry babies, it was going to be scene.

So I felt more comfortable in a room designed for nursing.  

I quickly figured out where all the nursing rooms where around town and tried to plan my outings so I would be near one when it was feeding time.

Many of my clients are new moms who are stressed about nursing. I want to do my part to help you out in any way possible!

Here is list of places I know about:

  • COSI – Little Kidspace has a great nursing room (to the left of the entrance of Little Kidspace). There are toys for older siblings and a changing table as well as the rocking chair for nursing.
  • Zoo – there are a few nursing stations at the Columbus Zoo (by the Carousel and in Africa). You can also use the First Aid station near the front of the zoo.
  • Nordstroms at Easton – A mother’s room is available with a comfortable place to nurse
  • Polaris mall - Inside the women’s bathroom by foodcourt is a separate area with rocking chairs (not totally enclosed, but comfortable)
  • Von Maur (Polaris) – The nursing room has a changing table, a few toys and a rocking chair
  • BabiesRUs (Dublin and Reynoldsburg) – Has a nursing room with two changing tables (in back of the store near restrooms)